Friday, September 18, 2009

Chantelle and TJ Maxx

If you have read the Muse you know I've already raved about the power of Intimacy at Copley and across the US for lingerie - Now, unfortunately the price tag is a bit sticky - 80-150 for Bras and upwards of 60 smacks for a pair of underwear - now for a former Hanes her Way lady that is a tough bill to swallow especially when it is underneath your clothes!

SO - I couldn't have been more elated to find one of the premier brands, Chantelle, at TJ Maxx the other night - now I'll be honest you have to dig, but the prices are much more in line with Muse's standards - $15 for Bras and $3 for underwear - are you kidding me!!!! I saved over 350 smacks at one go!

I cannot believe I'm sharing this secret - but after seeing Chantelle on Rue La La for a still whopping $29-100 I knew it was too good not to...

Lucky You!


Avianti Jewelry said...

This is an amzing tip, I love intimates but its so hard to find reasonable prices!

GOOGLE SEO said...

across the US for lingerie.You might also like this website which is for fashion women bags: