Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Gold Moccasins on the Cheap

Looking for inspiration and something a little different this spring and I stumbled on some gold driving mocs in J Crew - for a cool $150. The quality is no doubt rich, and for many can mantain a staple item - but for me it feels more like whimsy, so I was really excited to stumble upon a similar looking moc for $19 smacks!

Treasures hide in every corner!


the loyal servant said...

Hooray for the Muse!

As an added bonus, enter Promo code: 638 for 15% off and Shipping code: L25 for free shipping at Newport News!

(as you can see, I'm addicted to online coupons)

The Muse said...

Hooray is right, 16 smacks! Thanks Kristen - need more topics, spring is sprung and the Muse is back - any ideas? Venus perhaps ;)

the loyal servant said...

In times like these, switching to shaving with a razor like Venus Embrace can save you up to $800/year on waxing! I'm happy to provide a sample for you to test yourself! Let me know.

The Muse said...

Yes! I cannot wait to try! I'd given up shaving in favor of of spas, but it can run upwards of $100 a trip, time to rethink and readjust where my money is going!