For all you 'scuppies' (socially conscious and upwardly mobile) out there, today's Muse is for you!! With so many studies and the inundation of information -- use Nalgene, never mind the plastic is bad or the squiggle light-bulbs but watch out for the mercury!! -- It is tough to keep up!
But there is definitely something I can get behind -- eco-fashion! And there are several ways to partake. For example: if you shop from April 22-27 at Banana Republic 1% of sales go to Greener Cities. And BR has several initiatives in the queue to produce more eco-friendly lines.
Or try one of my favorite stores in NYC Te Casan which just launched a line of vegan shoes by Natalie Portman (and they're really cute, not just another celeb line).
I'm thrilled to try the new line of hair care products by Kate Hudson!
And for more ideas check out USA Today which had a great story today on Green Chic.
Add a Green Martini in eco-friendly glass (if that exists) and call me a Scuppy!!
1 comment:
Style Muse-
One of Boston's very own just was mentioned in our favorite rag, US Weekly, this week. Crush Boutique on Beacon Hill is now nationally buzzed about. Just thought you would want to know!
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