Thursday, February 7, 2008

Style Muse vs. Vera Bradley

Friends of the Style Muse can attest that few things get me as riled up as a Vera Bradley bag...the very sight makes my blood go cold. After living in New England for many years I've had to concede two things to Ms. Vera Bradley: If you must carry a VB please limit it to the gym or a weekend away.

I'm not sure when this trend (I use the word loosely) took hold but it needs to be addressed. A cloth bag with bright matronly prints does not say style, it says "Grandma's Knitting Club." I think what gets under my skin the most is that I see the VB's carrying it around like a status symbol...It is a symbol of something else entirely.

Now as much as I do lust over M-A-J-O-R bags that Posh herself would carry, I do understand that many of us simply can't or won't spend that kind of money on a bag...Nor do you need to!

In my history of handbags (there have been a few) it wasn't the Gucci or Marc Jacobs that received the most googly eyed, must have gasps but a white PLEATHER tote bag from the Limited!!! For $50 bucks....

So while I know many of my friends will read this and disagree -- and while much of fashion and this blog are subjective....Please take my word on this: Leave the VB at home...


BostonGirl26 said...

I totally agree - I recently was made aware (from a 40 year old man) that I was carrying the same diaper bag his wife carried when she had their son - 4 years ago. Ouch.

Mrs. Giovannini said...

I completely agree! They are awful and I don't know why young girls think they look good with any outfit!

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